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WCDCC Annual Dinner

There's a lot on the line for the 2024 elections.  We all know how critical it is to elect Angela Alsobrooks for US Senate and April Delaney for the US House of Representatives. We also have great local democrats running for board of education, mayor of Hagerstown and Hagerstown city council. 


This year's event will feature a Tribute to Congressman David Trone for all the wonderful work he did. The dinner will also feature other great speakers and we are working to secure several of the current candidates. This will be a great opportunity to meet and talk about issues with some of these candidates as they mingle and dine with democratic supporters here in Western Maryland!   


Don't miss out on the opportunity to meet the candidates. Let's show the GOP, we can turn Washington County BLUE and save democracy too!!!! 


WCDCC Monthly Meeting

WCDCC Monthly Meeting - Thursday, August 8th, 2024 at 6:00 pm at 140 W. Washington Street, Hagerstown, MD. 21740

Meetings are open to the public and we encourage your attendance.

WCDCC Plow and Fish Event

We are busy planning our first speaker series and will post updates as they come.

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